To celebrate National Parents’ Day on the 28th July, we are shining a spotlight on Gillian who is our Young Parents Employability Instructor.

What’s your job at Helm?

I work as part of the wider employment team at Helm, but with a focus on supporting the employability and personal development of young parents aged 16-24 to progress into sustainable employment. My role is to build a trusting relationship with the young person so we can break down the barriers and determine what is stopping them from creating a brighter future for themselves and their family. I support young parents who are looking for work and also those who are looking to move to a new job to help support their role as a parent.

What specific support do you offer to the young parents you support?

Being a young parent can be daunting in a range of ways so I am here to support them in whatever way I can. The young parents are more than welcome to bring their child/children along with them when we meet as I am aware childcare itself is often one of the barriers to employment for young parents. I build a support plan with each young parent, discussing areas such as healthy relationships, positive behaviours, health and wellbeing, life skills, managing budgets, benefit checks and advice, childcare options and what their own goals and aspirations are. I can support them to become work ready by helping them to create a CV and supporting them to apply and prepare for job interviews and college places. I also work alongside parents who are already in employment but are looking to improve their situation to help support their parental responsibility. This could include support to upskill, retrain and find a different job.

Who is classed as a young parent?

Young people aged 16-24 who have a child. They can have full or partial parental responsibility of the child.

Why do you feel this role is important?

There is often a lot of stigma around being a young parent and I want to help break this cycle. I want to give them hope that they can go on to do bigger and better things whilst still being the best parent they can be. Young parents deserve the opportunity to give themselves and their children a better and happier life.

What made you want to start this role?

I was a young parent myself and whilst I was lucky enough to have a strong support network around me, I still have the regret of wishing I had gone to college and progressed my career much sooner than I did. I want to show young parents they can change things now and don’t need to wait until their child is older to build a career for themselves. I want to show them that even the little things in life can open doors and opportunities that you had never considered.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Helm?

I have loved meeting people from different walks of life, seeing what struggles they face, and supporting them to help break the cycle. I just want to show young parents that the world is their oyster.

Thanks for chatting to us Gillian. If you feel we could support you as a young parent please get in touch today by emailing or calling our office on 01382 224464.