Unfortunately, due to the challenging funding climate, Helm’s housing project, Hame, closed its doors at the end of May. Whilst this is a huge loss for Helm, we want to take this opportunity to celebrate its achievements and impact over the years.

Hame was established in 2019 in partnership with Hillcrest Housing Association to establish the first youth led housing solution in Dundee. From the beginning, we have designed and consulted with Care Experienced Young People in Dundee. We undertook a number of consultations to ensure they influenced every detail of the project including the location of the homes, what amenities and facilities they would include and what the access requirements should look like.

All of Hame’s work was strengths-based and had at its core an emphasis on relationship building. Our team included young people who had lived experience and they brought vital peer support to our young people.

As and when the co-designed homes were available, young people were supported to move in and gain independent living skills. Support from Hame team was tailored to individual needs of each young person.  The team held over 200 face to face support meetings and daily contact through calls and text. Through support meetings the team got to know each young person and built trust to find out their strengths and aspirations. This support included budgeting, cooking, support with DWP meetings, joining GP & dental surgeries, applying for college and support at meetings, helping with employability, training, and further education. We also supported young people with all the bumps in the road, how to be a good neighbour, emotional support and supporting their health and wellbeing.

We are proud to say that all young people have sustained their tenancies and have been supported to establish their next steps whether that be attending college, securing employment, or starting a family. This also includes 2 asylum seekers who we worked closely with despite the additional language barrier. One of them told us: “My life is totally different, I didn’t know anybody and I now have friends. I am learning to speak English. I also go to the mosque, college and football”.

One young person stated recently that the Hame team have helped her “Move into my new house and find household items. They are also helping me achieve my goals through training and employability opportunities”.

Dale, who was employed from the beginning of the project with lived experience shares his final thoughts on the project:

“Hame was a lifeline project for so many and I am proud to have helped shape the way we support care experienced young people into a sustainable housing solution. Personally, I have also been supported from day 1 to grow my skills and experience, and I am now moving into an Instructor role. My dream has always been to work with young people and I am now living it”.

We would like to thank all of our partners and funders of Hame, without you our work would not have been possible and we know what we created has changed the lives of care experienced young people in Dundee.