A huge well done to the class of 2021!
Thursday 27th May was a fantastic day for our Pathways cohort with 13 of them moving onto positive destinations. This was the culmination of lots of hard work for the Pathways young people. They have coped incredibly well in the global circumstances, in part due to the stability and individual support that Helm and its incredible team have offered them. This cohort became the first Helm Pathways young people to work from home, trialling new methods and opportunities. During their time with Helm this Pathways cohort have had lots of opportunities including taking part in No Knives, Better Lives, taking trips to Showcase the Street, Edinburgh Dungeons, Helm’s Allotment, worked with a local Food Bank and at Helm’s commercial garage, Spick & Spanners, as well as so much more.
Thursday was a day for Helm staff, young people, and board members to celebrate all the young people’s hard work, their personal development, and the large number of SQA accreditations they achieved. Each young person received a year book to commemorate all of their achievements and a celebratory lunch where everyone could talk about the things they had enjoyed and achieved during their time at Helm.
This was a particularly poignant celebration as it was Carol Robertson’s last graduation event after her 21 years with Helm. It was a lovely send off for Carol to see young people she has seen develop and grow, finish at the same time as her and both go onto positive next steps of their lives.